Computer Circuit Board Recycling: A Complete Guide

May 8, 2023 | E-Cycling

Computer circuit boards are integral components of electronic devices like computers, smartphones, and televisions. They contain various precious metals and minerals, including gold, silver, copper, and platinum.

However, when these devices end their life cycle, they often end up in landfills, where they can release toxic chemicals into the environment. Therefore, computer circuit board recycling is essential to protect the planet and recover valuable resources.

What is Computer Circuit Board Recycling?

Computer circuit board recycling involves recovering valuable metals and components from old or discarded circuit boards. Recycling typically involves dismantling the boards and separating the materials using specialized equipment. These materials can be extracted and repurposed through recycling, reducing the need for mining and conserving natural resources.

Why Should You Recycle Computer Circuit Boards?

A circuit board is made of metals, plastics, and glass fibers. While these materials are valuable, they can also harm the environment if disposed of improperly. When a circuit board is thrown away in landfills or incinerated, toxic chemicals like lead, cadmium, and mercury can leach into the soil and groundwater. These chemicals can have severe environmental and health impacts, including:

1. Air Pollution

When the boards are incinerated, they release toxic chemicals into the air, which can cause respiratory problems and other health issues.

2. Water Pollution

When disposed of in landfills, the toxic chemicals in circuit boards can seep into the groundwater and contaminate nearby water sources, posing a threat to aquatic life and human health.

3. Soil Pollution

The toxic chemicals in the boards can also contaminate the soil, making it difficult for plants to grow and threatening wildlife.

Computer circuit board recycling can prevent these harmful environmental impacts by keeping valuable materials out of landfills and reducing the need for new resources. Recycling these boards can also help to conserve energy, as it takes less energy to recycle existing materials than to mine and refine new ones.

Additionally, many countries have regulations requiring proper electronic waste disposal, including circuit boards. Recycling ensures compliance with these regulations and helps to prevent fines and legal penalties.

The Process of Computer Circuit Board Recycling

Here are the basic steps involved in the process of computer circuit board recycling:

1. Collection and Sorting

E-waste is collected from various sources, like households, businesses, and municipalities. The e-waste is then sorted based on the type of electronic device and its components. Sorting is necessary because different boards have varying amounts of valuable metals and require different recycling methods.

2. Dismantling

The electronic devices are dismantled by separating their components, like the circuit board, wires, metal frames, and plastic casings. This step is done by manually removing the parts or using machines to break down the boards into smaller pieces.

3. Shredding and Grinding

The separated components are then shredded or ground into smaller pieces. This process makes it easier to separate valuable materials from non-valuable ones.

4. Separation

Separation uses various techniques, including air classification, gravity separation, eddy current separation, and magnetic separation. Here, the valuable metals are separated from the non-metallic components.

5. Recovery

Valuable materials like gold, silver, copper, aluminum, and other metals are extracted from the shredded components through smelting, leaching, and electrolysis.

6. Refining

The extracted materials are refined to produce high-quality metals for new electronic products. Refining may involve melting and purifying the metal using electrolysis or other techniques.

7. Disposal

The non-valuable materials left after the recycling process are disposed of in an environmentally responsible way.

What Happens to the Recovered Materials?

Metals like copper, gold, silver, palladium, and platinum found in circuit boards are highly valuable. These metals are extracted through smelting, electroplating, and chemical processes. The extracted metals can be used in electronics, jewelry, and automotive industries.

The plastics can be melted down and reformed into new products, like automotive parts, while the glass can be crushed and used to manufacture new glass products. Materials like solder, resins, and adhesives can also be recovered from the boards and reused in various industries.

The specific end use of the recovered materials will depend on their quality and purity and the current market demand for these materials.

Where to Recycle Your Computer Circuit Boards

There are several options for recycling your circuit boards. Here are a few:

1. Local Recycling Centers

Many cities and towns have computer circuit board recycling centers that accept electronic waste, including circuit boards.

2. Electronics Retailers

Some electronics retailers, like Best Buy and Staples, have recycling programs for electronic waste.

3. Private Recycling Companies

Many private recycling companies specialize in electronic waste recycling, including computer circuit board recycling. These companies can be found online or through local directories.

CJD E-Cycling is a leading company in computer circuit board recycling and specializes in the responsible disposal of electronic waste. They offer a range of recycling services for businesses and individuals and ensure that all materials are handled in an environmentally friendly way.

You should ensure that the company you choose follows proper recycling practices and disposes of e-waste responsibly. Look for e-Stewards or R2 (Responsible Recycling) certifications to ensure the company meets high environmental and social responsibility standards.

Benefits of Recycling Circuit Boards

Computer circuit board recycling has several benefits, including:

1. Environmental Benefits

Electronic waste is a growing concern as it contributes to landfills and pollution. Recycling boards reduce the amount of waste in landfills and prevent the release of toxic chemicals into the environment.

2. Economic Benefits

The recovered valuable metals and components can be repurposed and sold, generating revenue for the recycling industry. Recycling reduces the need for mining and production of new materials, saving energy and resources. Additionally, recycling circuit boards create jobs and generate revenue for the recycling industry.

3. Resource Conservation

Gold, silver, and copper are finite resources found in the boards. Recycling these materials reduces the need to mine for new resources, conserving natural resources.

4. Energy Conservation

Recycling existing materials requires less energy than mining and refining new ones, which can help to conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recycling one million laptops saves the energy equivalent of the electricity used by over 3,500 US homes in a year.

The Challenges of Circuit Board Recycling

Circuit board recycling presents several challenges, making it difficult and costly. Here are some of the main challenges:

1. Complexity of Materials

Boards contain a complex mixture of materials that can be difficult to separate and recycle because they are often combined in complex structures. For example, circuit boards often have layers of metal and plastic laminated, making it difficult to separate the different materials.

2. Hazardous Material

Circuit boards also contain hazardous materials, like lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can harm human health and the environment if improperly handled. Computer circuit board recycling requires specialized equipment and processes to remove and dispose of these hazardous materials safely.

3. Need for Specialized Equipment

The equipment required to recycle circuit boards is specialized and expensive. The equipment must be able to process the complex mixture of materials and handle the hazardous materials safely, which can make it difficult for small-scale recyclers to enter the market.

4. Limited Economies of Scale

Circuit board recycling is a relatively small market compared to other recycling industries, like paper or plastic recycling. It means that the economies of scale are limited, and the cost of recycling can be high.

5. Limited Recycling Infrastructure

There is currently a limited infrastructure for circuit board recycling, making it difficult to recycle these materials. Many countries do not have the necessary facilities for recycling boards, and transporting these materials can be expensive.

6. Lack of Standardization

Circuit board designs and components can vary greatly, making it challenging to develop standardized processes for recycling. This results in a need for custom recycling solutions for each type of board.

7. Intellectual Property Issues

Circuit boards often contain valuable intellectual property, like software or patents. This situation can make it difficult to recycle the materials without violating intellectual property rights.

Addressing these challenges will require a concerted effort from governments, industry, and consumers to promote responsible recycling practices and develop the necessary infrastructure and technologies to recycle boards safely and efficiently.

The Future of Circuit Board Recycling

The future of circuit board recycling looks promising as there is a growing awareness of the importance of sustainable practices in the electronics industry. With the increasing use of electronic devices in our daily lives, the volume of electronic waste has also risen rapidly.

With new technologies and innovations, the recycling process can become more efficient and cost-effective, increasing the recovery of valuable materials and reducing the environmental impact of electronic waste.

One area where new technology can make a significant impact is in the separation and recovery of valuable materials from circuit boards. Traditional recycling methods involve shredding the circuit boards and separating the materials using chemical or mechanical processes, which can be time-consuming and result in losing valuable materials.

However, innovative techniques like electrochemical processing, bioleaching, and hydrometallurgical methods are being developed to recover metals from circuit boards more efficiently:

  • Electrochemical processing involves using an electric current to dissolve metals from the circuit board, which can be easily separated and recovered.
  • Bioleaching, on the other hand, uses microorganisms to break down the circuit board and release the metals, making it a more environmentally friendly method.
  • Hydrometallurgical methods involve using chemicals to dissolve the metals, and they can recover a higher percentage of metals than traditional methods.

Another area where innovation can significantly impact is the design of circuit boards themselves. By using more sustainable materials and designing circuits for disassembly and reuse, the amount of electronic waste generated can be reduced, and the recovery of valuable materials can be made more efficient. For example, a circuit board designed for disassembly would be easier to dismantle, and the valuable materials could be recovered with less environmental damage.

In addition to technological advancements, new business models are emerging to incentivize circuit board recycling. For example, companies offer customers the option to trade in their old electronics for credit towards new purchases, which can help increase the supply of recycled materials.

Tips for Computer Circuit Board Recycling

Here are some tips when recycling your circuit boards:

1. Locate a Reputable Electronics Recycler

Find an electronics recycler specializing in circuit board recycling and ensure they follow proper recycling protocols and are certified to handle the electronic waste. You can also check for local recycling programs since many municipalities offer recycling programs for electronic waste.

2. Remove Personal Information

Before recycling your old computer or other electronic device, remove all personal information. It includes any files, documents, or passwords that may be stored on the device.

3. Research Recycling Options

Do some research to find the best recycling option for your needs. Consider factors like convenience, cost, and environmental impact.

4. Check for Certification

When choosing a recycling company, consider certifications such as R2 or e-Stewards. These certifications indicate that the company follows responsible recycling practices and meets environmental and social standards.

5. Consider Donating or Reusing

If the circuit board is still functional, consider donating or repurposing it instead of recycling it. Doing so reduces the demand for new electronic products and extends the life of existing ones.

6. Separate Components

Separate the components of the circuit board to facilitate recycling. You may remove the screws, clips, or other fasteners.

7. Follow Local Regulations

Make sure to follow any local regulations or guidelines for electronic waste disposal. Some areas may have specific rules for handling and disposing of electronic waste.

8. Avoid Landfill

Do not throw circuit boards in the trash, as they contain hazardous materials that can harm the environment. Recycling is the best option.


Computer circuit board recycling is essential to protect the environment and recover valuable resources. Improper disposal of circuit boards can lead to air, water, and soil pollution and have severe environmental and health impacts. Recycling circuit boards can prevent these harmful effects and reduce the need for mining and refining new resources.

The process of computer circuit board recycling involves several steps, including collection and sorting, dismantling, shredding and grinding, separation, recovery, refining, and disposal. The recovered materials, including metals, plastics, and glass, can be used to manufacture new products, reducing the need for mining and conserving natural resources.

Various options are available for recycling, including local recycling centers, electronics retailers, private recycling companies, and specialized e-waste recycling companies like CJDecycling. Contact us today for all your electronic recycling needs!