Why Do We Recycle Computers? And Other Answers to Your E-Cycling Questions

May 4, 2020 | E-Cycling

Why Do We Recycle Computers, Anyway?

Why do we recycle computers? It’s a question that deserves an answer. It’s a question that has many good answers, too. Recycling, in general, can be a wonderful thing. The many diverse advantages of recycling include but are not limited to the following:

  • Minimizing the degree of waste that gets taken to incinerators and landfills alike
  • Conserving precious energy
  • Safeguarding natural resources including minerals, H20, and timber.
  • Keeping pollution at bay through minimizing raw mineral gathering requirements considerably
  • Decreasing carbon emissions that can affect the environment
  • Establishing new positions for job seekers

There’s no disputing that recycling paper and plastic is beneficial. But they aren’t the only things that you should be recycling. It can be a terrific idea to recycle electronic goods, like computers. Why do we recycle computers all over the world? Answers to that question cover electronic scrap prices and a host of similar and pertinent topics.

Why Do We Recycle Computers: The Advantages

Don’t assume that the advantages of computer recycling are few and far between. There are many positive advantages to breathing new life into your tired and broken electronic devices, believe it or not. There are plentiful local online resources that can help you figure out where to sell computer scrap pieces. Figuring out where to sell computer scrap pieces can get your recycling efforts off to a promising start.

Here are some of the biggest advantages of recycling old computers:

Saving Resources That Are Natural

Computer recycling is another way to save the earth’s natural resources. You should resist the temptation to simply dispose of your computer. Recycle it, instead. If you make the choice to recycle, you can restrict the number of supplies that are necessary to manufacture fresh electronic goods. Older computers are equipped with an abundance of parts that manufacturers can use in the future. That’s precisely why disposing of them can be highly wasteful. Monitors have glass and plastic that can come in handy for the construction of new devices.

Doing Good Deeds in the Neighborhood

People recycle many older computers that are actually still in pretty good condition. Looking after computers can keep them in rock-solid shape for many years. If you recycle a computer that’s relatively reliable, then you may be doing the people in your neighborhood a favor. Professionals can restore old computers. Once they do that, they can donate them to nearby charity groups, educational institutions, and libraries. Computers that are used can even be helpful to households that do not have much money. Computer recycling and donation activities can give people in your area access to technology that may have been out of reach for them otherwise. Computer access can open young children up to the thrilling possibilities of education.

Making Way for Job Openings in Your Area

Recycling electronic devices can actually help people who are on the lookout for jobs. There are many computers that aren’t suitable fits for restoration work. People often bring these kinds of computers to the nearest electronic recycling facilities. If many people make the decision to do this, it can be a boon to the economy. It can pave the way for the demand for people to work for the previously mentioned electronic recycling processing facilities. If you love the idea of helping people who are searching high and low for career openings, then you may want to recycle any electronic devices that you have no plans to use again.

Helping the Environment and the Planet

There’s no arguing that human beings only have one planet. That’s exactly why we should do anything in our capacity to keep it safe from destruction. If you take the time to recycle an old computer, then the environment and the planet may benefit from your kind gesture. 

Waste that comes from older electronic devices can do a number on the planet. Don’t forget that significant amounts of waste emerge all of the time. People throw electronic waste into landfills everywhere without thinking twice about it. This waste slowly but surely gives off detrimental toxins, too. People who want to breathe in air that’s pure and clean often have many complaints that relate to these unpleasant and persistent emissions. Pollution is no laughing matter. 

Electronic waste items that linger inside of landfills can give off all kinds of chemicals that are categorized as “toxic.” They frequently emit lead and mercury. Lead and mercury both are infamous for wreaking havoc onto the environment. Their chemicals blend with groundwater. This combination can bring on substantial H20 quality deterioration. There are detrimental chemicals that combine with the air. This type of air pollution can pose a problem to the environment and to human beings in general. People who want to do their parts to keep their fellow human beings safe and comfortable frequently make the decision to recycle computers they no longer use or need.

Health Advantages

Why do we recycle computers? People frequently do so for health purposes. Thoughtlessly getting rid of computers can bring on the emission of detrimental toxins. Putting these toxins into the environment can be a huge mistake. It can negatively affect health in humans and animals of all sorts. Organisms can soak up these toxins via water. They can take them in through the air that surrounds them as well. Lead and mercury aren’t the only two danger factors, either. There are various others. Lead can interfere with the development of the brain. It’s poisonous to the reproductive system, the nervous system and even the kidneys.

Mercury is in no way beneficial for human health. It can be destructive to fetuses that are still in their mothers’ wombs. It can bring on significant damage that involves the kidney and the brain, too.

Plastic burning isn’t the most innocuous thing. It’s a process that can give off cadmium. Cadmium is a pale metal that can wreak havoc onto the human body. It can hurt the kidneys. It can even weaken bones over time.

Beryllium, last but not least, is another metal. It’s accessible inside of both motherboards and connectors. It’s a chemical that’s hazardous to human health. People often refer to it as being a carcinogen.

There are countless humans who have to live beside landfills. That’s the reason that minimizing the waste that’s associated with old computers can be helpful. Doing so can protect these people from all kinds of medical risks.

Keeping Misuse of Resources at Bay

Electronic waste is in most cases delivered to third world countries. These countries often give manufacturers access to cheap labor. Electronic waste can be problematic for employees who have no option but to handle it. That’s because they have to deal with the detrimental toxins that are associated with electronic waste items. If you recycle your old and unwanted computer in the right manner, then you can help safeguard employees in distant nations from the dangers of chemicals that come from electronic waste.

Electronic Scrap Prices and Other Factors

Electronic scrap prices often differ. If you want to learn all about electronic scrap prices, then you should reach out to the team members who represent CJD E-Cycling. CJD E-Cycling’s representatives can talk to you about electronic scrap prices. If you want to know where to sell computer scrap pieces, then your best bet is to reach to the professionals who are behind CJD E-Cycling. Electronic scrap prices always depend on the individual item. If you’re researching where to sell computer scrap items, you should look into places that buy things beyond just full devices. Look for places that regularly buy wires for computers, hard drives, circuit boards, transformers, insulated wires, monitors and mainframes.

Learning About Electronic Scrap

Learning about electronic scrap prices calls for a lot of diligence. Computer board prices often run the gamut. If you sell a P3 motherboard, then you may be able to get $2.30 a pound. If you sell a silver memory computer board, then you may be able to get a little more at $3.00 a pound. Gold memory computer board price tags tend to be substantially higher. They tend to sell for $8.00 a pound.

People who want to comprehend electronic scrap prices should learn all about internal parts. Hard drives that do not have any boards may demand just 10 cents a pound. Hard drives that do have them may be able to score 30 cents a pound.

You can learn more about electronic scrap prices by assessing items that are miscellaneous in nature. A couple examples of these kinds of items are gold-plated connectors and AC adaptors. These connectors may go for 35 cents a pound. AC adaptors may go for a nickel or so a pound.

There are no specific rules for electronic scrap prices. If you’re interested in doing away with confusion, then you can review prices that are typically associated with everything from mixed ceramic processors and whole servers to digital satellite receivers and P4 motherboards.

Where to Sell Computer Scrap Pieces? CJD E-Cycling Is the Intelligent Answer

Finding a suitable place to sell old pieces of your computer can be a headache for people who do not know where to begin. CJD E-Cycling is a family-run business that handles electronic scrap recycling and all of its pathways. The professionals who work for this Illinois company strive to make the vast planet a lot more eco-friendly. They strive to do so by providing people with facilities that can help them safely and efficiently do away with metals and electronic devices of all varieties. The CJD E-Cycling team wants nothing more than for landfills to remain as clear as possible.

CJD E-Cycling can be a rock-solid choice for people who want to say farewell to all kinds of electronic devices. If you’re keen on recycling a computer that you haven’t used in years, the CJD E-Cycling team can come through for you 100 percent. They often say that they will take anything with a cord. They just as frequently say that they embrace metals of all varieties.

Why do we recycle computers? We do so because it can pave the way for many advantages. Companies like CJD E-Cycling make electronic scrap recycling a piece of cake. Recycling electronic scraps doesn’t have to be frustrating for people who work with the CJD E-Cycling team. CJD E-Cycling buys printers, keyboards, monitors, consoles, CRTs and digital music players that are portable. If you have any questions that involve materials that the CJD E-Cycling crew may take, then visit the business website. You can check out a document that highlights any and all appropriate options.


Why do we recycle computers? We recycle computers because CJD E-Cycling streamlines the concept of buying e-scraps. Why do we recycle computers? We do so because the company can help you score cash. If you have an old and seemingly useless computer that’s simply gathering dust inside of your living space, then nothing can make more sense than seeking guidance from the CJD E-Cycling crew.

You don’t have to go into panic mode if you have any questions that relate to the CJD E-Cycling team and all of your recycling options. CJD E-Cycling is headquartered in pleasant Edwardsville, Illinois. It has the cooperation of team members who are detail-oriented and knowledgeable regarding all sorts of electronic waste management techniques. You can find out more from the company by filling out a basic form that’s on hand on its official website. Just fill out the fields for your name, email address and subject. If you have questions about price points or anything else, a CJD E-Cycling employee will get back to you rapidly.

You don’t have to restrict yourself to contact through email. You can also call the company’s office on the telephone. Be sure to ask its staff members questions about electronic waste recycling opportunities. Call the staff at CJD E-Cycling as soon as you can to find out more about the perks of old computer recycling. Why do we recycle computers? They can tell you.